Field Locations (including indoor facilities)

Phillips / Blocksidge Field

also known as "The Turf"

Phillips / Blocksidge Field

Phillips Park, 585 Humphrey Street

Football Practice Field at Phillips Park

Park near the playground and enter the gate

Football Practice Field at Phillips Park

Phillips Park, 585 Humphrey Street

Charlotte Rd Field at Phillips Park

Park near the playground, enter the gate, and walk across the park [DO NOT PARK ON CHARLOTTE RD]

Charlotte Rd Field at Phillips Park

Phillips Park, 585 Humphrey Street

Lower Jackson Park

Lower Jackson Park

Lower Jackson, 200 Essex Street

Upper Jackson Park

Upper Jackson Park

Upper Jackson, Greenway

[Indoor] Swampscott Middle School

utilized on as-needed basis for indoor practice

[Indoor] Swampscott Middle School

207 Forest Ave, Swampscott, MA 01907

[Indoor] Johnson School in Nahant

Utilized on an as-needed basis for indoor practice

[Indoor] Johnson School in Nahant

290 Castle Rd, Nahant, MA 01908

Contact Swampscott Youth Lacrosse



Swampscott, MA 01907

Follow Swampscott Youth Lacrosse